Care in senior homes and privately: How to find a job and can you live with the people under your care?

Caring for the elderly is a sector that is developing dynamically due to an aging society. The demand for qualified caregivers is growing, both in senior care facilities and in the private homes of those in need. Working in this field is not only an opportunity to earn money but also a chance to provide real help to those in need. In this article, we will discuss how to find work as a caregiver and whether it is possible to live with the person you are caring for.

How to find work as a senior caregiver?

1. Requirements and qualifications

The foundation of working as a senior caregiver includes the right qualifications as well as certain personality traits. Although formal education in healthcare or caregiving courses can be an advantage, skills such as empathy, patience, and the ability to work with elderly people are equally important. In Poland and abroad, references confirming previous work experience are often required as well.

2. Work through an agency or independently?

The decision on whether to work through an agency or seek employment directly depends on personal preferences. Working with an agency can be a good solution for those new to the industry and who have not yet built their own network. Agencies provide support in finding employment, often assist with formalities, and offer training.

On the other hand, experienced caregivers can look for assignments on their own, for example, through online ads, groups on social media platforms, or specialized job platforms. Finding work independently can come with higher earnings, but it requires more flexibility and responsibility.

3. Popular workplaces for senior caregivers

Job offers for caregivers can often be found in:

Senior and nursing homes – these are facilities specializing in the care of elderly people and often offer permanent employment.

Private care – this involves taking care of an elderly person in their own home. This form of employment is popular both in Poland and abroad, such as in Germany or the UK.

Care agencies – they specialize in recruiting caregivers and matching them with those in need of care.

Is it possible to live with the person you are caring for?

Many caregivers wonder if it is possible to move in with the person they are caring for. This type of care has its advantages, but also challenges.

1. 24-hour care – when is it needed?

24-hour care, also known as live-in care, is most often needed when the senior’s health condition requires constant supervision. This can apply to people with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke survivors, or those who have difficulty moving independently. In such cases, the caregiver lives with the person being cared for, allowing for quicker responses in crisis situations.

2. Advantages and challenges of living with the person you are caring for

Living with the person you are caring for has many advantages, but it requires proper preparation:

Advantages: Close contact allows for a better understanding of the needs of the person being cared for and the establishment of a trusting relationship. For the caregiver, it may also be an opportunity to reduce living costs (e.g., no rent payments). This form of work is also appreciated by the families of the elderly, as it provides a sense of security.

Challenges: 24-hour care can lead to feelings of isolation and exhaustion, especially if the caregiver has no time for rest and relaxation. It is therefore advisable to agree in advance with the family of the person being cared for on breaks, days off, and the possibility of replacing the caregiver in emergency situations.

3. What formalities are associated with living with the person being cared for?

If you decide to provide 24-hour care and live with the person being cared for, certain formal aspects should be considered. Before starting work, it is advisable to:

Draw up a contract that clearly defines the terms of cooperation, the scope of duties, and the salary.

Agree on details regarding meals and accommodation – will the caregiver have their own room, and what household duties will they have beyond caring for the senior?

Ensure that you have health and liability insurance, which will cover any damage that may occur during work.


Working in senior care is not only a way to earn money but also an opportunity to build relationships and help those in need. Whether you choose to work in a care home, privately, or by living with the person being cared for, it is important to thoroughly prepare for this role, acquire the necessary qualifications, and be ready for the challenges of this responsible work. Remember, caring for the elderly requires not only practical skills but, above all, heart and understanding for the needs of others.